• Optionally removing old wallpapers*,
  • Performing cavity repairs,
  • Securing the workplace,
  • Sanding the surface of the walls before laying the wallpaper
  • Wallpapering,
  • Cleaning

The qoutation with the arrival to a customer is free of chartge and carried out within 7 days of notification. The price for the wall paper handing is determined individually and depends on the scope of the project.

The duration of wall paper handing depends on the size of the project. For example: wallpapering of a small or medium room takes from two up to three days.

As a standard, I make a shoping itself and use recomended advensives and other materials to ensuring high quality but the choice of wallpaper is on the customer side.

All decorating works I am carrying out exclusively on the basis of my own high-quality painting equipment, checked technically.

It maintains a high standard of cleanliness during painting works and also after their completion.

Regarding to wall paper handing I give a 12-months of guarantee

A new fresh look of your room.

Time lapse video

Watch the short clip about wall paper handing into a house.